Utilising the power of Twitter at your next event
Posted on April 23rd, 2018 in Engaging Experiences, Social Media for EventsSocial media has an important role to play in the everyday marketing of a business, and this is even more true when you’re attending an event. When your company is going to a conference, trade show or any other major industry event, it pays to have a clear Twitter strategy in place before you turn up.
Three main things to consider are hashtags, exposure and connections. By following a few simple steps, you can get a lot more out of your attendance by looking at your phone once in a while.
Remember who’s reading
As well as people who are at the conference, you’re also speaking to interested parties who couldn’t make it on the day.
Be sure to sum up your experiences – talking about the speakers you’ve seen and what you’ve learnt – so everyone can get a feel for the event. By tagging the speakers in your tweets, you increase your chance of exposure, as well as giving you a way to introduce yourself to some of the big names in your industry.
The hosts of the day are sure to be active on Twitter, so including them in a few tweets is another good way to get retweeted and liked.
Be genuine
The golden rule of social media is not to spam. You want to be part of the conversation, you want to be helpful and you want to provide value. It’s likely that the conference will have a dedicated hashtag for attendees to use, potentially showing tweets on a large display.
Your goal isn’t simply to show up on this feed because you’re constantly tweeting the same thing – you want to drive engagement by posting things that others will find useful.
Some examples may be photos of the event, alerts that something is about to happen or quick summaries of what you’ve seen so far.
Tweet more than words
Tweets with images tend to get more engagement as they stand out while people are scrolling, so try to share some great photos of your day, ideally tagging those who are in them.
However, you can go one step further by tweeting videos. Twitter is known for its brevity, so don’t try to record whole talks, but quick videos of interesting things you see can catch the eye and get people interacting with you.
Live tweet presentations
If you’re blessed with quick fingers, live tweeting what you’re seeing can be a great way to share the experience. Sharing quotes and bullet points from presentations, along with a photo or two, is a great way to add real value to the event, and its hashtag.
When this is done well, it’s something that proves very popular among attendees as they want to share the major points with their audiences too.
Throughout the day, you’ll find plenty to share with your followers and the wider Twitter network. Just be sure to add value with everything you tweet, and you’ll find that you grow your network and potentially get some new leads to follow up on.
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